*Taking from an article on dealing with healthy & unhealthy anger:
When Expressing Anger Crosses the Line

When anger is associated with negative consequences, such as
violence, road rage, verbal abuse, threats, physical damage (broken
objects) repeated interpersonal conflicts, or anger-related health
problems (e.g., exacerbated ulcer, headaches, muscle tension) it is no
longer a healthy expression. If angry outbursts are affecting your family,
friends or coworkers, then it is time to consider more appropriate
responses to prevent damaging relationships or doing something you may
regret. There is no clear boundary differentiating "normal" anger from
problem anger. However, if how you express anger bothers you (or should
bother you), gets you into trouble, or is damaging relationships, it may
be time to consider getting help with anger management.
Men and women may express anger differently. For instance, anger is more
socially acceptable in males, and is often expressed physically through
fighting. Women are more likely to talk about their
feelings of anger and problem-solve with others. Relationships can be difficult from time to time. People disappoint one
another, say and do hurtful things, and can be hard to get along with.
Identifying a problem in your relationship while it is occurring can be
complicated because relationship dissatisfaction is experienced
differently by those involved in the relationship. It goes without
saying that certain actions, like violating a law or a code of honor
generally upsets most people. Many
individuals can easily work through minor differences, but sometimes a
series of minor issues can build up over time and become a relationship
Here are some important relationship facts:
- People who are in romantic relationships tend to be happier than those who are single.1
- Difficulties getting along with a boss or coworkers can impact work performance.
- Couples experiencing marital problems tend to be less nurturing and their children are more likely to exhibit behavioral and emotional problems.2
- Regular healthy social contact can be a buffer for depression.
- Important relationships can be good sources of support when experiencing positive or negative life events.
- Distressed couples experience a number of negative emotions such as anger and jealousy, or psychiatric problems such as depression and anxiety.2